Managing Virtual Teams Blog

Spurred by the rise of technology and globalization, there is a new face to the workforce – Virtual Teams. Today people routinely work with colleagues they do not see. But how to create and manage these teams is a skill that many leaders have not yet been trained for. How do managers establish rapport with employees across continents, time zones and cultural differences? Can a strong team be built from widely dispersed people who’ve never met? AIM®/Yael Zofi will answer these questions in our Managing Virtual Teams Blog.

This blog is brought to you by AIM Strategies®, a Human Capital Consulting Firm focused on making virtual teams more effective. Our CEO, Yael Zofi is a Virtual Teams Thought Leader, Group Dynamics Expert, Cross Cultural Coach & International Speaker. She, along with colleagues, will share innovative management techniques that link 5 human connection challenges: managing agile teams, working across cultures, developing global leaders, working your network and managing up.

AIM® designed an accessible site rich with content based on Yael's 25+ years of experience as an HR professional, educator and leadership consultant. In this blog, you will hear more about managing remote teams and the leaders entrusted to guide them. New content will also be announced and shared through AIM®’s social media venues, including this blog and the AIM® eNews, so you can stay up-to-date via your preferred information source.

We invite you to tune in as We will introduce new topics to reach the multi-faceted interests of our readership. It's a "something in it for everyone" design that has our team energized and offers industry specific content. Enjoy exploring the ever-evolving world of managing virtual teams!

Cross Cultural Solutions – Effectively Communicate

LEARN to Effectively Communicate for Cross Cultural Competence Are you looking for cross cultural solutions to effectively communicate in cross cultural interactions? Virtual team managers must LEARN cross cultural competence and practice how to effectively communicate across cultures. This week

Cross Cultural Solutions– Listen When in a Cross Cultural Interaction

Virtual managers must L E A R N how to communicate across cultures. These cross cultural solutions are to build interpersonal relationships, help maximize cross cultural interactions and foster a collaborative environment. By utilizing the following five cross cultural competence strategies, you

Cultural Diversity Training for Working Across Cultures Part 2

Another Cultural Diversity Training That Works This week’s post continues with another cultural diversity training for improving your intercultural communications and cross cultural interactions at work. If you are already a virtual manager, you probably may have faced similar issues and

A Look Back: Virtual Project Teams in the Past Year

Our focus at AIM Strategies® continues navigate the complexities inherent in virtual project teams. Through an exceptionally busy year we worked with the ever-expanding virtual community, helping organizations connect their people resources to achieve business goals. Their support keeps us firmly

Cultural Diversity Training for Working Across Cultures Part 1

Cultural Diversity Training That Works With the release of my book, I am dedicating this month’s to cultural diversity training hoping that this brings greater awareness to this very important challenge of managing global virtual teams anywhere and learning how

Cross Cultural Communication

The Second Edition of Yael Zofi’s Book on Cross Cultural Communication The newly updated second edition of Yael Zofi’s cross cultural communication book Communicating Through a Global Lens: How to Broaden Your Perspective in a Cross Cultural World has just been released.

Conference Call Solutions: Facilitate Now!!!

Yael’s Presentation on Conference Call Solutions At The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) NYC Do you need conference call solutions?  Do you often find yourself having to lead a group of people, perhaps at church or philanthropic events or on a

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