Managing Virtual Teams Blog

Spurred by the rise of technology and globalization, there is a new face to the workforce – Virtual Teams. Today people routinely work with colleagues they do not see. But how to create and manage these teams is a skill that many leaders have not yet been trained for. How do managers establish rapport with employees across continents, time zones and cultural differences? Can a strong team be built from widely dispersed people who’ve never met? AIM®/Yael Zofi will answer these questions in our Managing Virtual Teams Blog.

This blog is brought to you by AIM Strategies®, a Human Capital Consulting Firm focused on making virtual teams more effective. Our CEO, Yael Zofi is a Virtual Teams Thought Leader, Group Dynamics Expert, Cross Cultural Coach & International Speaker. She, along with colleagues, will share innovative management techniques that link 5 human connection challenges: managing agile teams, working across cultures, developing global leaders, working your network and managing up.

AIM® designed an accessible site rich with content based on Yael's 25+ years of experience as an HR professional, educator and leadership consultant. In this blog, you will hear more about managing remote teams and the leaders entrusted to guide them. New content will also be announced and shared through AIM®’s social media venues, including this blog and the AIM® eNews, so you can stay up-to-date via your preferred information source.

We invite you to tune in as We will introduce new topics to reach the multi-faceted interests of our readership. It's a "something in it for everyone" design that has our team energized and offers industry specific content. Enjoy exploring the ever-evolving world of managing virtual teams!

What Is Global Leadership? Keep Your Virtual Team Connected

Yael Zofi Answers the Question: What Is Global Leadership? and Provides Tips for Managing Global Teams What is global leadership? You can answer that question by asking another… Does it matter where my colleagues are as long as we get

Virtual Teams Project Management —Get Things Done, Deliver Results!

VIRTUAL TEAMS PROJECT MANAGEMENT LEADS TO HIGH PERFORMANCE Results, results, results. Delivering on what is promised is what managing offshore teams is all about. And managing an effective virtual teams project management process successfully is an art as well as a

How to Manage Your Manager for a Better Working Relationship

Tips for How to Manage Your Manager Do you want to learn how to manage your manager to improve your working relationship? Fortunately, common sense and following a plan will work wonders to improve the most important working relationship you have.

The 4 Leadership Styles In Management And What They Mean To You…

Do you know about the four different leadership styles in management? Employees who work effectively with their managers are sensitive to their boss’s business management styles while fully recognizing their own needs and styles. You cannot change your boss’s style,

How to Manage Your Boss: Why Managing Up Matters More Now Than Ever

Learn How to Manage Your Boss Managing Up was always a sensible approach to learning how to manage your boss to improve one’s professional growth. With today’s economic conditions, heightened competition and evolving technology creating uncertainty and potentially fewer opportunities

3 Successful Employee Actions For How to Manage Your Boss

Tips for How To Manage Your Boss Question: What is the secret to how to manage your boss? Answer: Become a mind reader! Well, you may not have the capability to become a mind reader (yet), but there are certain

Went to Break My Manager’s Toolbox in New Orleans & Gave Tips on How to Manage Your Manager

Yael’s Presentation on How to Manage Your Manager I recently presented a workshop on how to manage your manager at the International Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business (IMA) at their annual conference in New Orleans based on

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