Managing Up

With today's organizations in such a fluid stage, managing up is a skill everyone needs, regardless of level. Unprecedented changes require staff members to adapt to new situations, assignments and a revolving door of managers. Because so many of my clients asked me for guidance on how to deal effectively with a diverse group of managers, I have created several workshops, surveys and online tools on improving employee – manager relationships, which include activities specifically designed to encourage self-discovery. These programs worked well across a wide variety of small and large organizations, and eventually I translated the processes I developed into a step-by-step TOPS Managing Up guide for helping individuals manage up.

Throughout your professional career, a better working relationship with your manager works in your favor. Even if you would characterize your current relationship as ‘good’, you may believe that certain areas could be improved upon. Some examples are: finding new ways to communicate, handling personality differences, or exploring different paths to creating a more effective partnership. Often, employees don’t fully understand how to properly “manage” the boss-employee dynamic to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship. Failing to ‘manage up’ is common, and invariably it works against your efforts to grow your career.

This blog section incorporates many elements of these processes in a self-study format. These materials will do more than encourage you to rethink this key business relationship. The actions steps and insights presented lead to greater self-awareness and an understanding of how to position yourself for greater success. Ultimately, you are responsible for advancing our own career, and that includes seeking all possible professional opportunities.

Please note- the focus of this blog section is building on a healthy partnership, not changing an abusive or adversarial relationship. As an important management thinker said,

“You don’t have to like or admire your boss, nor do you have to hate him. You do have to manage him, however, so that he becomes your resource for achievement, accomplishment and personal success.”

- Peter Drucker

As you read the following blog posts, I recommend that you follow the activities in the order they are presented. The results, you will see, will be a stronger, more effective partnership with your manager who can impact your professional future in ways that help you grow your own success. Inspired by my book, the blog posts that follow will give you simple yet effective tips for learning how to identify your manager’s style and for building a stronger relationship. For more information on Managing Up check out my book, TOPS Managing Up .

Break Out Of Your Manager’s Box: How to Manage Your Manager

Check out Yael’s next presentation on How to Manage Your Manager When: Sunday, June 23, 2013 @ 9:15AM Where: New Orleans Credits: 1.50 CEUs A strong work relationship with your manager is key to your success at the workplace. In

The 4 Leadership Styles In Management

Volume 14 • Issue 1 Welcome to our e-Newsletter on the leadership styles in management! To share some recent news, an editor from contacted me about my book, TOPS Managing Up: How to Identify Your Manager’s Style and Build