Virtual Team Meeting Agenda

The keyword is ‘effective’ virtual team meeting agenda!

How many meetings in the virtual space do you have in a week? Probably a lot more than you would like. Since you can’t bring a cup of coffee to the next cubicle or conference room to discuss your ideas in person, what are your strategies for engaging in successful Virtual-In-Person (VIP) conversations? The real question is, “How can I manage my virtual team meetings effectively so that they don’t manage me?”

Most people don’t feel very positive about virtual office meetings and often characterize them as frustrating experiences, but there are best practices and winning strategies to run effective virtual team meetings.

To help you run effective virtual team meetings, Yael Zofi offers a range of practical products and solutions designed to assess, develop and implement your virtual team meeting agenda and provide meeting etiquette consultation. Contact Us to get more information about our Virtual Teams Suite.

10 Questions For Running Your Effective Virtual Team Meetings

team meeting agenda

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“Yael ignited the imagination of my entire senior management team to achieve personal and business results beyond their wildest dreams.

To this day her time and effort with this team has brought and continues to bring enormous opportunities, savings and real business change.

It was a thrill bring part of the team she instructed.”

Managing Director,
Financial Services

Leadership Series
Team Insight

Here’s a news flash. It is absolutely critical to keep your virtual team meetings productive. Conference calls are indispensable for managing virtual teams and moving complex projects along.

Use these guiding questions as you plan your next virtual team meeting:

  • Is the facilitator (and that could be you) able to keep things moving? Do you have a few prepared ice breakers and readily available examples of virtual team games to engage your remote team?
  • What are the Context Communication best practices you plan to implement during this meeting?
  • Do you have a virtual team meeting agenda – and was it distributed?
  • Do ground rules structured in terms of priority exist and does the entire team know them?

Consider these questions to facilitate your meeting:

  • What is your Team Code etiquette for running this virtual team meeting effectively?
  • What are the kinds of questions that new team members participating in their first call might have such as the history of ongoing conversation, individuals responsible for and having knowledge about certain agenda items and team specific shorthand or acronyms?
  • Do we have the right technology to keep our meetings running smoothly? And, are team members trained appropriately?
  • How do we handle Silent Riders? They are team members who don’t participate, due to language issues or lack of engagement.
  • What’s the best way to debrief and evaluate the meeting?
  • How do we ensure best practices and greatest ideas are incorporated before the next call?

It is up to you the virtual team meeting facilitator to create the best agenda and context for meeting attendees to connect the dots to the bigger picture and drive your team’s success.

Contact Us to inquire about best practices for leading your virtual team and the 4 factors that contribute to successful virtual meetings or set up a short webinar on managing effective virtual team meetings for your team.
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