Networking Business Events

In today’s global business environment, mastering how to get the most out of networking business events is essential. In fact, networking as a ‘hot’ topic has come full circle. Without identifying and working our network, or networks, it will be hard to gather and process the needed elements to get deliverables out the door timely and cost effectively. And, as local, regional and national boundaries give way to the global neighborhood, our networks expand greatly.

How can you make sure you are visible in the right networks? What networks are right for you?

‘Going it alone’ is no longer an option. We work in the era of partnerships, relationships, and teams – co-located as well as virtual. Perhaps a reflection of our action-oriented world is that not too long ago, the word ‘network’ morphed from a noun into both a noun and an action verb (as in "You'd be smart to network with John." It’s in your own best interest to develop appropriate networks and make contacts that can help you group your career, especially through networking business events which offer natural ways to advance your career.

Historically, the traditional organization was one of hierarchy and structure where everyone had rigidly defined roles. In today’s world these traditional establishments have been replaced by agile organizations that can successfully handle change. Employees at all levels interact with a greater (and more diverse) cross section of individuals than their counterparts did even a generation ago. Developing impactful relationships is a necessary skill, and networking with a wide range of business associates is a key step in that process.

Throughout your professional career, networking is one of the critical skills needed to become a successful leader as you work to advance. Even if you would characterize your current networking abilities as good, you may feel that certain areas could be improved upon. Some examples are: how you communicate; strategies to handle personality differences or perhaps a desire to hone your networking behaviors. Failing to Work Your Network is a common error, and often causes work climates that are not conducive to productive work environments.

Really, networking is small talk with a target. The secret is knowing how to turn casual conversations into useful connections. With clear goals and bottom-line skills, networking works!

As Founder and CEO of AIM Strategies®, I have spent over 25 years coaching leaders and teams to broaden their business relationships and to focus on connecting with those individuals with whom they can share mutually beneficial partnerships. Now, I have distilled my expertise into several basic principles which I share throughout the blog section. By following the suggestions provided in the following blog posts, you will learn to identify your own networking style and create a personal plan that works for you. For more information on networking business events check out my book, Work Your Network, Making Impactful Business Connections .

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  Yael Zofi’s Presentation on Building Relationships at Work Building Relationships at Work: Strengthen Your Brand During Tough Times In this 90 minute presentation, Yael Zofi, AIM’s CEO will share some secrets from her booklet: Work Your Network: Making Impactful Business

Another Business Networking Tip

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A New Business Networking Tip

Volume 8 • Issue 1 WELCOME to our E-News business networking article with another business networking tip for you. Like many organizations, we are mindful that our global neighborhood is navigating work place relationships through tough times. As professionals, the best

What Is Business Networking?

Volume 7 • Issue 3 WELCOME to our e-newsletter that answers the question: “What is business networking?” Our previous news began with a special focus on building relationships at work; we are continuing to focus on this important topic by providing

A Business Networking Tip

Volume 7 · Issue 2 With the global neighborhood and its many challenges and opportunities, we truly live and work in an age dominated by networks. Networking is really small talk with a target. The secret is in knowing how to turn